Comic Books for Social Change Workshops

Comic books are an ideal and creative way to reach teenagers, engage them with digital media, and create characters and stories that address social issues in their community. During the hands-on session, the participants discuss how to educate their community about the problems of gender-based violence and other issues. The students script their stories, and create the comics on paper. Afterwards, the comics are printed and distributed to their friends, family, and community. Developed through HIVE Digital Media Learning Fund. Download the digital comic books curriculum. (PDF)
Or we can setup a workshop for you. Email us at priya (at)
Creating comic books for social change in Dharavi, Mumbai, India
Comic books can move teenagers to action and help them creatively inspire and move their community. The first innovative Mozilla Maker Party and workshop focused on the problem of sexual violence was held in Dharavi, Mumbai at the Colour Box run by Society for Nutrition, Education and Health Action (SNEHA). Local teenagers created their own comic book art and then converted them into animated films. Renowned comic book artist Chaitanya Modak with InHouse Design based in Mumbai ran the session with Dr. Nayreen Daruwalla and staff from SNEHA and the Mozilla Foundation – creators of the popular browser, Firefox. Workshop lead by Comic Book Designer Chaitanya Modak.
Digital comic books for social change lab, NYC
We held a “Digital Comics for Social Change” LAB at Art and Design High School in New York City to develop the model and curriculum for students and teachers to use to implement this simple and impactful workshop in their communities. Students worked with an experienced comic book artist and mentor to script, design, color, and layout a comic book before turning it into animated GIFs using Mozilla’s Popcorn Maker and augmented reality pages using Blippar’s free AR software and APP. The teaching artists were comic book artists Ivan Velez, George Zavala, and technologist Ram Devineni. The sessions were run by City Lore through the support of the HIVE Digital Media Learning Fund in the New York Community Trust.
Comics for Social Causes Workshops in India and Beijing, China
Workshops and presentations to educate and engage students and professionals on using comic books and cartoons to address social issues through new technologies and forms of storytelling. Additionally, we did a Hack-a-thon using augmented reality technology. Featuring Benjamin Dix, Dan Goldman & Ram Devineni. The sessions are supported through a grant by Consulate General of the United States, Chennai.
January 25, 2017 — L.V. Prasad Film & TV Academy, Chennai — Interactive and New Forms of Storytelling
January 27, 2017 — M.O.P. Vaishnav College for Women, Chennai — Social Change Comic Books, Journalism & Interactive Storytelling.
January 30, 2017 — National Institute of Design R&D Campus, Bengaluru — Social Change Comic Books, Journalism & Interactive Storytelling.
December 1-December 31, 2017: Comic book workshop at Crossroads Centre, Beijing, China.
American Arts Incubator in South Africa
Ram Devineni ran a month-long American Arts Incubator and workshop at KZNSA Gallery in Durban, South Africa. The participants learned to create their own augmented reality pop-culture artwork that addresses social issues, and had a public exhibition. The incubator was an initiative of the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs developed in partnership with ZERO1 in collaboration with U.S. Consulate General Durban.
Comic Book Workshop in Bogota, Colombia
Fun comic book and mural painting workshop in Bogota, Colombia with the amazing and talented girls of Fundación niñas de luz . Part of the workshop were instructors Ram Devineni, Natalia Ponce De León, Melanconnie, Faebian Ceruleo and Fundación Natalia Ponce De León. Supported by the Citizen Diplomacy Action Fund for U.S. Alumni, which is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State and administered by Partners of the Americas. Occurred August 13-14, 2022.
Learn how to make comic books in China
WORKSHOP 2: How to create comic book worlds and characters? SATURDAY, MAY 20, 2023 at 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM China. Learn the art of creating a dynamic universe and environment for your characters to live in. How do you define your characters and their actions and personalities? How does your character dress? Batman lives in Gotham City and fights many colorful villains. Do you want to create a nuisance city, meta-verse or home for your characters? This workshop teaches you all the elements of creating your own comic book world. Instructor: REGINE L. SAWYER
WORKSHOP 4: How to create comic book characters and stories with impact? SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 2023 at 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM China. How to create characters and stories that are personal and have impact? Participants design their characters with personalities, movement and biographies. Focus on penciling, inking and coloring. Participants will understand color theory and how to use color in both digital and print. How to make comic book panels for social media? Discussion about issues facing their communities and how comics can help educate and bring awareness to young people. Instructors: MELANCONNIE and FAEBIAN CERULEO
WORKSHOP 1: How to write a comic book and create characters? SATURDAY, MAY 13, 2023 at 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM China. Focus on storytelling, and structuring a single page comic book. Learn to script, and layout the panels, dialogue, and flow of the comic book. Additionally, participants will create their own characters using different drawing techniques and how to portray personalities. Participants will draw and share their own character designs. Discussion about representation and diversity, and how to design different empowering characters that address social issues. Instructors: IVAN VELEZ Jr. and RAM DEVINENI.
WORKSHOP 3: Why we should make comics? SATURDAY, MAY 27, 2023 at 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM China. Learn how to make a mini-comic and use it in your real-life to entertain and educate audiences. How to make fun and informative stories that address a variety of social issues. Participants will learn the entire process from Chinese comic book creator, Migo. The course is ONLY in Mandarin Chinese. Instructor: MIGO
The event is sponsored by the Shanghai American Center, U.S. Consulate General Shanghai, China Women’s Film Festival, and Power of Priya Comics. Image by Chu Mi. The free online workshops are in English with Chinese Mandarin translation.