“She is the Brown girl superhero the world needs right now.” THE WASHINGTON POST

PRIYAIndia’s first female superhero has to protect her enchanted forest from greedy industrialists threatening to cut down all the trees. With the help of a little girl named Somya and the local villagers, they defend their home — reminiscent of India’s Chipko movement. Priya shows Somya, who is suffering from asthma due to the toxic haze — the beauty of her forest and its power to heal Mother Earth and her. ISBN: 978-1-892494-63-4.

The short film PRIYA AND THE TWIRLING WIND, brings Somya’s story to life through the magic of puppets and animation by renowned puppeteer Raven Kaliana. BOOK is FREE.

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Download the Comic Book Student’s Materials (PDF) and Comic Book Teacher’s Guide (PDF) and use it in your classroom. We host the curriculums on Dropbox, but if you need an alternative option — click these links and File > Save As to download the PDF. Comic Book Student’s Materials (PDF) / Comic Book Teacher’s Guide (PDF)

Priya interviews Dr. Vandana Shiva about the Chipko movement and being an environmentalist in India. Vandana Shiva is a tireless defender of the environment, and founder of Navdanya, a movement for biodiversity conservation and farmers’ rights.

Priya interviews Professor Chris Rapley about climate change. Prof. Rapley is a professor at University College London, and was Director of the Science Museum. Watch Video

Priya interviews Professor Simon Lewis about how humans are changing the Earth. Simon Lewis is Professor of Global Change Science at University College London. Watch Video

Priya interviews climate activist Ridhima Pandey from Uttarakhand, India about youth power. Ridhima Pandey is a climate activist from India whose home was destroyed by extreme flooding in 2013. Watch Video. Priya interviews climate activist Alexandria Villaseñor, founder of Earth Uprising International. Watch Video

PRIYA — La primera superhéroe india de la historia tiene que proteger su bosque encantado de industrialistas avaros que amenazan con cortar todos los árboles. Con la ayuda de una pequeña niña llamada Somya y los aldeanos locales, en equipo defienden su hogar - reminiscencia de el movimiento Chipko en India. Priya le muestra a Somya, que sufre de asma debido a la polución tóxica- la belleza de su bosque y su poder para sanarla a ella y a la Madre Naturaleza. Disponible en español. Traducción Melanconnie. ( descargar PDF / iBooks )

PRIYA, la prima supereroina indiana, deve proteggere la sua foresta incantata dall’avidità di alcuni industriali che minacciano di abbatterla. Le case verranno difese grazie all’aiuto di una bambina di nome Somya e degli abitanti del villaggio, un rimando al movimento Chipko nato in India. Priya mostra a Somya, affetta da asma a causa dei fumi tossici, la bellezza della sua foresta e il suo potere di guarire la Madre Terra e anche lei. Disponibile in italiano. Traduzione di Mila Fahren. ( scaricare PDF / iBooks )

PRIYA – A primeira super-heroína da Índia precisa proteger sua floresta encantada de industriais gananciosos que ameaçam cortar todas as árvores. Com a ajuda de uma garotinha chamada Somya e dos aldeões locais, elas defendem sua casa – remanescente do movimento Chipko da Índia. Priya mostra a Somya, que sofre de asma devido à névoa tóxica, a beleza de sua floresta e seu poder de curar a Mãe Terra e a ela mesma. Disponível em português. Traduzido por Karine Bender. ( baixar PDF / iBooks )

Student’s Materials and Teacher’s Guide for “Priya and the Twirling Wind” comic book.

Download the Comic Book Student’s Materials (PDF) and Comic Book Teacher’s Guide (PDF) and use it in your classroom. We host the curriculums on Dropbox, but if you need an alternative option — click these links and File > Save As to download the PDF. Comic Book Student’s Materials (PDF) / Comic Book Teacher’s Guide (PDF)

TEAM: RAVEN KALIANA & SHUBHRA PRAKASH, Writers. SYD FINI & NEDA KAZEMIFAR, Artist. RAVEN KALIANA, Director. RAVEN KALIANA & JO ELIZABETH MAY, Puppeteers. RAVEN KALIANA, Puppet Designer. RAM DEVINENI, Augmented Reality Designer. RENE VERON, Music & Sound. SHUBHRA PRAKASH, Hindi Translation. DIPTI MEHTA, AMAYA JOSHI, VICK KRISHNA & SHUBHRA PRAKASH, Actors. RAM DEVINENI, TANVI GANDHI, INDRANI RAY & MONIKA SAMTANI, Producers. Special thanks to Dr. Pushpinder Chowdhry, Ishika, Karan, Merissa, and Shay.

Priya and the Twirling Wind comic book and animated puppet film was developed in coordination with the North India Office (NIO) of the U.S. Embassy, New Delhi. The project was funded through a grant from the Public Affairs Section, U.S. Embassy, New Delhi. The comic was made possible by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of New York State Governor and the New York State Legislature. The animated puppet film was supported by Little Angel Theatre and Network of Ensemble Theaters. Protected under Creative Commons license: Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International. Copyright 2022 by Rattapallax, Inc. All rights reserved.