JUPITER INVINCIBLE is an augmented reality comic book series about an African-American enslaved person, Jupiter, who is suddenly given the power of immortality. The story takes place on a Southern plantation near Baltimore before the U.S. Civil War. The project is a mixture of pop-culture, history, innovative technology, and dynamic storytelling written by Pulitzer Prize winning poet Yusef Komunyakaa, illustrated by Ashley A. Woods, Syd Fini and Neda Kazemifar and augmented reality by Ram Devineni.

Jupiter is a horse-breaker and coach driver, and was born into slavery. During a freak electrical storm, he is struck by lighting which gives him the power of immortality, and makes his scars translucent. Jupiter escapes to the North and finds the abolitionist and former enslaved person, Harriet Tubman. Together, they plot to smuggle run-away slaves through the underground railroad. Jupiter continually puts his life on the line to help others knowing he cannot be killed. Eventually, Jupiter outlives everyone and experiences dramatic changes in America from the Civil War to modern times. Can Jupiter use his powers and wisdom to change the course of history to rectify racial injustice and inequality?

ISSUE 1 (ISBN: 9780578930862): Amazon Issue 1 / Google Issue 1 / Apple iBooks Issue 1 / Scribd / Tapas / Webtoons / Substack / Medium / Issuu / Kobo / Booktopia / Global Comix Issue 1 / E-Pub Version Issue 1 / Mobi Version Issue 1 / Download a PDF Issue 1 (Dropbox) / RATE ON GOODREADS

ISSUE 2 (ISBN: 9780578930862): Amazon Issue 2 / Google Issue 2 / Apple iBooks Issue 2 / Scribd / Tapas / Webtoons / Substack / Medium / Issuu / Kobo / Booktopia / Global Comix Issue 2 / E-Pub Version Issue 2 / Mobi Version Issue 2 / Download a PDF Issue 2 (Dropbox) / RATE ON GOODREADS

ISSUE 3 (ISBN: 9781892494689): Amazon Issue 3 /Google Issue 3 / Apple iBooks Issue 3 / Scribd / Tapas / Webtoons / Substack / Medium / Issuu / Kobo / Global Comix Issue 3 / E-Pub Version Issue 3 / Mobi Version Issue 2 / Download a PDF Issue 3 (Dropbox) / RATE ON GOODREADS

Library access using Overdrive: Issue 1 / Issue 2


Yusef is one of the most compelling voices in American poetry. His Pulitzer Prize winning collection, Neon Vernacular, pulls together all of the most powerful strands of his poetic vision. The images are those of the South and its culture, of Black resilience to white supremacy, of war in Southeast Asia, of urban experience, and of musical forms such as blues and jazz. He is the recipient of numerous honors and awards including the Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize, Wallace Stevens Award, the William Faulkner Prize from the Université de Rennes, and has published dozens of books of poetry, essays, operas, and plays. Currently he serves as Distinguished Senior Poet in New York University’s graduate creative writing program.

SYD FINI & NEDA KAZEMIFAR, Illustrators of Issue 3
RAM DEVINENI, AR Designer & Producer / ASHLEY A. WOODS, Illustrator of Issues 1 and 2 / ERIC BATTLE, Editor

“Jupiter Invincible” is made possible in part with public funds from the National Endowment for the Art and New York State Council on the Arts with the support of New York State Governor and the New York State Legislature. The launch event is funded in part by Creative Engagement supported by the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council and administered by LMCC. The workshops are funded by the Citizen Diplomacy Action Fund for U.S. Alumni, which is sponsored by the U.S. Department of State with funding provided by the U.S. Government and administered by Partners of the Americas. Jupiter was researched and developed at the Merriweather District’s artist-in-residence program.